Saturday, October 27, 2007

Improve Business Results with Exemplary Human Performance

"When the juice is there, when everything is clicking, there's such a thing as an organizational hum -- that thing you sense when you walk into an organization and you can say, "Yes it's happening here!" You feel the drive of the place. I love that feeling. As a leader you have to be able to feel in our bones that it's working or that it's not, and feel that way before anyone else does" Lorraine Monroe. Principal of Harlem's Frederick Douglass School.

Hello my name is Doug Mead and welcome to my home on the web. The purpose of this web site is to provide information, resources and best practices to help improve individual, organization, and enterprise-wide business performance. My associates and I employ the proven science of human behavior to help you select, analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate programs to influence job performance cost-effectively.

Tom Gilbert, an early mentor, showed many of us that teaching could be approached as a science; and, who taught many of us to concentrate on outputs and accomplishments before considering processes. Use these learnings for your own professional development or as resources for working with others.

There are many rich and well-respected approaches to improving human performance. I have sought out the most effective and efficient performance system available that considers training as one of many components that influence exemplary performance. Harmony in performance means not simply choosing training as a single solution but to ensure you have the right attitude, awareness, motivation, support, and the right relationship between yourself and your people. An effective Human Performance system addresses the logical, emotional, and physical needs of the organization.

Learn How-To Design Human Performance Solutions to Achieve Your Business Goals

In today's competitive global marketplace, it is essential that organizations optimize the performance of every individual and team to achieve desired business results. Generally the performance of individuals and teams vary greatly across the organization - whether measured in quantity or quality of output, or the impact their results have on the bottom line. Today's Executives, Managers, and Supervisors need to prepare for tomorrow by ensuring all employees are in the right positions and with the right skills and tools to ensure they can perform at an optimum level for the assignments at hand. Do you need executive coaching services with personal attention that helps you find solutions and gain a competitive edge by putting improvement theory and practice to work? Learn how-to improve your effectiveness within today's global information-based business environment economy. We guarantee client privacy and satisfaction. We bring experience, focus, and an outsider's perspective to helping clients discover the best solutions to their specific situations.

A Celebration of Exemplary Human Performance

Exemplary Performance works in a wide range of applications. The Exemplary Human Performance Improvement process works for both large and small organizations. The more people work together, the better a business performs. Exemplary Performance help clients work together more efficiently, more easily, and more inexpensively resulting in improved human interaction throughout the work system. Exemplary Performance has assisted clients in the development of, and implementation of, numerous cost-effective integrated solutions including job aids and cost-effective training curriculum.

Improving our Education System

Working together we can increase exemplary performance throughout the world by supporting a better exchange between business and academia, so that the academics are putting their substantial intellectual powers and resources to work better preparing students for exemplary workforce performance. Are you interested in what citizens can do to cause educational reform? Then I strongly suggest you read " The Eden Conspiracy"; Educating for Accomplished Citizenship by Joe Harless, ISBN 0-9665010-4. It is available on This is an excellent book that explains how-to cause dramatic improvement in our children's schooling. This book provides a common sense approach for local educational reform by one of the nation's leading experts in human development. In his book Joe explains how to motivate students, how-to improve the curriculum and how-to bring about higher levels of learning for almost all students. Joe explains what we as citizens can do to cause education reform including how to motivate our students and how we can bring about high levels of learning for almost all students. Joe suggests that our focus for education content be a purpose-goals-accomplishment-behavioral processes sequence that is preferable for these overlapping reasons:

  • Increased value and relevency of knowledge/skills/ information learned
  • Increased attention and effort by the student
  • Allows more in-depth learning
  • Increased probability of transfer
  • Illuminates the need for meaningful basic skills
  • Allows for more meaningful evaluation of learning

In his book Joe also suggests the basic education issues are:

  • What is the ultimate purpose and goal of education?
  • What are the student accomplishments desired as a result of the education process?
  • What is the gap between current accomplishments and desired accomplishments? What are the root-causes of the gap? What solutions (interventions) are indicated?
  • What content should be taught?
  • How should education be designed and delivered? How should education be evaluated?

I also recommend you read "Education' Myths" author, Jay Greene. This book was featured on 20/20 on Jan. 13, 2006 — In his special report on public education, "Stupid in America," John Stossel speaks with Jay Greene regarding; What Special Interest Groups Want You to Believe About Our Schools and Why It Isn't So." Greene takes on the conventional wisdom that pouring more money into public schools leads to improved education. Citing national statistics on education expenditures, Greene argues that inadequate spending is not the problem behind poorly performing schools and students. Greene also rebuts some popular assumptions about the roles race and socioeconomic status play in student performance.

What Bill and Melinda Gates Want You to Know In their first interview together, Bill and Melinda Gates say they're terrified an entire generation is failing in school. Stand up to change America's school crisis.

Stand Up -

Are You Responsible for the Design and Development of Effective Training and Development Curriculums?

Many of the top Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations are satisfied alumni of the Human Performance Improvement Workshops. Examples include; Microsoft, Federal Express, Consumers Energy, U.S. Coast Guard, BellSouth, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Ford, Proctor & Gamble, Sandia Labs, Bell Canada, Chase Manhattan, Home Savings, M&M Mars, Allstate, Boeing, General Motors, BellCore, Duke Power, American Express, Sprint PCS, Motorola, U.S. Marine Corps, MascoTech, and Georgia Pacific.

Build a state-of-the-art training and development organization with the award-winning Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development System, called the ABCD System. Now your training organization can design and develop training they can guarantee will work. Increase training's value and credibility in your organization. Tie training and development directly to organizational goals and improvements in productivity------a true performance-based approach to curriculum planning and training design. Joe Harless, a member of the prestigious Human Resources Hall of Fame, designed and developed these workshops that will revolutionize your business. Often referred to as the "trainer's trainer" Joe Harless has received the coveted Member For Life award from the National Society for Performance Improvement (now, The International Society for Performance Improvement). In short, he has a unique genius for solving performance problems.

  • Establish a one-to-one link between the training and development you provide and the measurements of trainee’s job performance.
  • Produce, as a subject-matter expert, high quality training immediately upon completion of human performance improvement training. Master essential development skills.
  • Learn the secrets of successful curriculum development. Guarantee your training to provide job-relevant skills.
  • Reduce training costs.
  • Document the value of your training.
  • Make performance measurable and observable and give a base-line from which to measure how performance has improved after training. You can quickly show how performance has improved and demonstrate the value of what you do.

The Peak Performance System is perfect for e-learning media because the methodology enables you to select the best, most effective delivery media for any type of training. The Peak Performance System is extremely well suited to training delivered through technology because it enables you to break training into smaller segments which trainees can take as needed. Tailor training to your audience's needs and design training you can guarantee will work for any medium. There is no better way to acquire these skills than by attending these workshops. Become qualified to present these workshops personally to your organization.


Getting Started

Do you have personal, business, and/or organizational goals you want to accomplish? Are you having a difficult time achieving your goals to-date?

Clear Expectations and Purpose

Increase the probability of realizing your goals by starting with the end in mind. Clear purpose significantly affects motivation to succeed. What is your goal? A goal is something worked toward or striven for. In order to realize your goals you need to clearly identify what you truly want to accomplish or produce. If your goal is to improve your health, then ask yourself; what is the real reason you want to improve your health? What is the purpose of good health for you? Keep asking yourself why until you clearly identify the accomplishment or output you want to produce. For example the true accomplishment for wanting good health may be; to realize the euphoric feeling that comes with overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. The accomplishment may be to be a model for your children and grandchildren.

  • What is your goal? What is the purpose of your goal? What is the real accomplishment or output you want to produce in realizing your goal?



You also need to know what steps and behaviors are required to meet or exceed your expectations. You may be familiar with the saying:

“the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different outcome.”

This is an old expression, but the idea behind it contains a lot of wisdom. The point is that if you are NOT currently realizing your goals, then you probably need to do something different than you are currently doing if you expect a different outcome. This old expression is applicable to what you need to focus on to achieve your goals. Another similar take on this theme is:

“If you always do what you have always done, then you will always get what you always got”.

Often the behavior we need to change first is that WE NEED TO MAKE DIFFERENT AND BETTER CHOICES.

  • What new or different behaviors do you need to demonstrate to realize your goals?

To learn more about how-to achieve Exemplary Human Performance, go to: