Follow Proven Human Performance Strategies for Success.
Improve employee performance, quality, productivity,and retention with the first complete system for Human Performance Technology.
There has never been a time when business, industry, government, and military organizations have had a greater need for strategies to improve workforce performance as a key component in their bid to gain and maintain a competitive edge.
There is a need for a Peak Performance System. Despite massive infusion of capital-intensive, advanced technology in North America, many organizations are losing the performance and quality race. The quality of products and services has not always kept pace with the expenditure. In fact, many think there has been a significant decline in performance and quality overall. This problem shows up in the market place, especially where North American organizations are in a competitive mode with each other and with foreign organizations. Happily, many enlighten leaders in business, industry, and government recognized the problem and therefore see the need for improvement in quality of goods and services. Though performance and quality is on everyone's lips, few quality programs seem to target directly the prime ingredient in the improvement of products and services; The actions and accomplishments of humans on-the-job.
Given initial capital investment, the largest cost to most organizations is direct labor and overhead of people. Though there is a large number of influences on human performance, current performance and quality improvement efforts do not consider all influences, but target a relatively narrow range of variables impacting performance. For example, statistical measurement, inspections, employee involvement, and so forth.
Many quality improvement efforts are conceptual. They do not have systematic procedures to guide the improvement effort. The goals and processes are often open to wide interpretation.
Within the same organization, performance and quality efforts are often fragmented. There is an absence of goals and objectives. This is an absence of a common model and language. Efforts tend to act independently, and sometimes in opposition to each other. There is a need for a system that is systematic, and for one that focuses on human performance.
Dr. Tom Gilbert, the father of Human Performance Technology, taught us that the economic costs of training are significantly high enough as to warrant our immediate and constant attention through analysis; and, that training should be primarily organization goal related and performance-based.
Now you can learn how to:
- Install a state-of-the-art systematic approach to training (SAT) process (or) replace/enhance your current SAT process.
- Analyze performance problems to examine all organizational influences on performers.
- Provide analysts with tools and processes for identifying a solution set that closes all gaps affecting human performance.
- Figure out the right performance supports for the best cost.
- Choose exactly the right training (and other interventions) to effectively support your workers!
- Directly and substantially impact the effectiveness of your business.
- Effectively demonstrate the improvements of your workers' performance on key business measures!
You will receive:
- State-of-the-art concepts and procedures
- Step-by-step written job aids for all procedures presented
- Personal consultation on your projects and your organization
We offer you three opportunities to improve the quality of human performance:
1. Job Aids Workshop (JAWS)
Job aids save time and money. A job aid is a tool to guide performance in real time. Examples: Checklists, Decision Tables, Algorithms (flow charts), Worksheets, and Cookbooks. The time it takes to develop a job aid is three to five times shorter than with traditional instruction and implementation time is three times shorter. Job aids solve retention problems and result in more accurate performance.
Who should attend: Course Developers, Procedure Writers, Documentation Writers, Technical Writers, Performance Technologists, Quality Consultants
Learn how to:
- Identify exactly when and where to use job aids to help your workers' perform better
- Determine precisely which type of job aid will produce the desired outcome in any situation
- Produce job aids that meet or exceed your expectations; job aids which are cost-effective, have short cycle times, and make a maximum business impact
- Practice developing job aids
- Produce effective, high quality job aids by the end of the workshop!
- Take home a detailed job aid you can use to produce other job aids for all your future projects!
2. Front End Analysis (FEA) Workshop
Analysis is an important link to producing cost-effective human performance. Front End Analysis ensure that activities, outputs and goals complement each other to reduce or eliminate waste and rework.
- Analytic methodologies that recognize and record all the factors that influence job-site performance.
- How to use analytic tools that are goal related and performance based.
- How to calculate worth=value-cost to ensure return-on-investment.
Front-End Analysis is a state-of-the-art workshop that will teach you how to assess, analyze, and plan solutions to human performance problems-including "soft skills." And, how to analyze new performance.
Who should attend: Performance Technologists, Course Developers, Trainers, and Quality Consultants
As a Front End Analysis (FEA) Workshop Participant, You'll learn how to:
- Tie your work directly to improved performance
- Determine the most effective way of dealing with a problem
- Decide if training is truly the best solution to a problem, and when other interventions would be more appropriate
- Conduct a New Performance Front End Analysis when dealing with new goals, new processes, new technologies, and/or new workers
- Conduct a Diagnostic Front End Analysis when current worker in current work environments are not meeting organizational goals
- Establish "buy-in" and support for the Front End Analysis process
- Establish up front criteria to use in measuring the effectiveness of your analysis
- Select the best Front End Analysis tool for a given situation
- Take home practical job aids to use for each aspect of a highly successful Front End Analysis at your organization
3. The Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development System (ABCD)
Build a STATE-OF-THE-ART training organization with the award-winning ABCD system.
ABCD is a complete, job-aided system for all steps of ALL tasks of all phases of training development.
Benefits include:
- Produce shorter courses
- Efficient course development time
- Dramatically increased job-proficiency of students as a result of ABCD-developed training.
- Tie training directly to organizational goals and improvements in productivity--a true performance-based approach to training
- Establish a one-to-one link between the training you provide and the measurements of trainees' job performance
- Your people will return to the job with the highest level of competence and a greater understanding of how their work supports the achievement of organizational goals!
- Reduce the amount and length of training courses, yet increase their impact
- Produce, as a subject-matter expert, high quality training immediately upon completion of ABCD
- Design and develop a full range of job aids
- Design and develop curricula, courses, and modules, including practices and tests
- Produce participant and instructor guides
- Select media appropriate to training content
- Develop self-instructional materials
- Test, validate, and evaluate training materials
- Plan for the implementation of training including the details of administration
- Thanks to a wealth of procedures, job aids, and worksheets, any non-trainers assigned to your training department will rapidly become competent in the process of analysis, design, and development. You will be able to "Hit the ground running!"
Many of the top fortune 500 companies and Government Agencies are satisfied alumni of these outstanding workshops: Allstate, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Procter and Gamble, Sandia Labs, Bell Canada, Chase Manhattan, Home Savings, M&M Mars, U.S. Coast Guard, BellSouth, Federal Express, Boeing, General Motors, Bellcore, Duke Power, American Express, Sprint, Motorola U.S Marine Corps, Microsoft.
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